[Free Download] Green's Theorem : Normal Stress for Asymmetric Cross-Sections

January 19, 2024

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   Have you had a chance to explore the content "Green's Theorem Part 2: Calculating Normal Stress for Asymmetric Cross-Sections"?

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   In this content, we delved into various aspects, including utilizing Green's Theorem for determining normal stress in civil engineering, specifically for asymmetric cross-sections. The coverage encompasses vertical stress, axis adjustments in MIDAS Civil, practical examples, and Sofistik verification, and emphasizes the pivotal role of tools in managing asymmetric sections during engineering design.

   In response to the enthusiastic support from many engineers, we have introduced a Downloadable Excel sheet for the practical application of the Calculation of Normal Stress for Asymmetric Cross-Sections!

   Feel free to submit the form now, download the Excel sheet, and give it a try!


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Figure1. Calculation Sheet Sample

Figure1. Calculation Sheet Sample


Figure2. Calculation Sheet Sample

Figure2. Calculation Sheet Sample



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About the Author
Jay.J | Structural Engineer | MIDAS IT HQ

I executed bridge (rail, road) projects over ten years as a structural engineer. I mainly did overseas projects in Kuwait, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, the U.K., etc. You know what? I've never been to the places on a business trip, even after completing construction. I have experienced national design-build projects twice and have done almost every shape of bridge project except wire bridges.


Free Excel Sheet Download

Fill out the below form to download the Excel Calcuation Sheet