[Free Download] Green's Theorem : Section properties Excel Calculation Sheet

January 3, 2024

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   Have you checked the previous post, "Green's Theorem Part 1: A Step-by-Step Guide to Calculating Section Properties in Structural Design?


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   Below is a simple Excel spreadsheet created without VBA to allow for easy modifications.

Figure 8. An Image from Sample Calculation Sheet

Figure 8. An Image from Sample Calculation Sheet


   One downside is that it doesn't provide section properties related to shear stress.

   Shear stress is always a tricky area, but one could consider calculating section properties for flexure-shear stress, even though it may not be an easy task. For instance, Saint Venant and Warping would be challenging, but it could be possible to calculate section properties for flexure-shear stress.

   After addressing this issue, the next step would be to think about ways to utilize this calculation sheet.


Download the Green's Theorem: Section Properties Excel Calculation Sheet right now!


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About the Author
Jay.J | Structural Engineer | MIDAS IT HQ

I executed bridge (rail, road) projects over ten years as a structural engineer. I mainly did overseas projects in Kuwait, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, the U.K., etc. You know what? I've never been to the places on a business trip, even after completing construction. I have experienced national design-build projects twice and have done almost every shape of bridge project except wire bridges.

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